Ten Reasons My Sister Will Miss Me Over the Holidays

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Today is a very special post as my sister offered to write it. She doesn’t blog or tweet or have a Facebook fan page but wanted to share a post for the holidays.

My family is very close and with less than 5 years between my sister and I, our relationship was hot and cold.

We were the kind of sisters that could hang out one minute and then the next I would be screaming at her because she wore my expensive Mondetta shirt to bed, insisting that she give back everything I had ever given her.

Those were the days. This year I’m celebrating Christmas in Ecuador and trying to figure out what food in Ecuador makes things feel like Christmas.

This will be the second time my sister will miss Christmas. The first time she was working in the Philippines and I was too self absorbed to feel the effects; this time is different.

Every day I think of a reason why Christmas wonโ€™t be the same.  Here is my top 10 list:

two girls at pub

1. Change in atmosphere:

My sister only comes home once a year and arrives early December. The atmosphere of the house changes; it feels, smells and sounds differently.

When Ayngelina arrives, Christmas has arrived.

christmas ornament

2. Decorating the tree:

My sister and I always decorate the tree together. When we were younger it always ended in a huge fight but now we have a lot of fun.

We download dirty Christmas music and blast it to annoy my mother.

Listening to Jingle Bell C*ck alone while putting icicles on the tree just seems wrong.

butternut squash lasagna

3. Food

As you know my sister is into food. Every Christmas my mother gets a break as my sister does all the cooking. Unfortunately this year my mother is on her ownโ€ฆwith a little help from me.

Will she be eating cuy in Ecuador?

4. 5. 6. Are all related to games:

playing cards

4. VanBlarcom Game Night

A few years ago during Christmas dinner my sister and I were bragging we were better crib players than my uncle and cousin. That night we headed to their house to prove our game.

That card game turned into an annual game night of Cribbage, Dance Revolution, Skat and Catch Phrase.

My sister and I always start the game off with a lot of smack talkโ€ฆwin or lose we talk smack till the end.

This year I will not recruit a new partner as we are current champs, plus I donโ€™t think anyone can talk smack at her level and talking smack solo isnโ€™t as effective.


5. Christmas Eve Games

On Christmas Eve my sister cooks lobster for dinner followed by drinking and games. My sister has a vast amount of useless knowledge which comes in handy during trivia.

Even when my sister is wrong she make a good argument and convinces us she is right.

This will be the first year I will have a chance in winning.

senior couple

6. Card Night

Playing the East Coast card game, 45โ€™s was a huge part of growing up with our grandparents. Our games usually lasts extra long for one reason, my sister hates to lose.

She will constantly hold bids to prevent my Nanny and I from winning going further and further into the hole.

Short and sweet card games are no fun.

women on couch

7. Family Portraits

Once my sister became interested in photography we took advantage of her skills. After Christmas dinner all the girls in the family gather for photos.

Not only doing we have a lot of fun coming up with new poses we always come away with hilarious photos. Who will take the photos this year?

crackers and dip

8. Lounging

We spend a lot of time over the break lounging. We veg on the couch watching countless high school drama marathons such as The Hills, The O.C., Gossip Girl, or rewatch classic Christmas movies.

We don’t eat lunch and choose to chow down on my grandmotherโ€™s shrimp dip or my motherโ€™s surprise dip.

When youโ€™re lounging with someone else it feels like youโ€™re doing something, watching six hours of a teen show and devouring a bowl of dip alone is just pathetic.

Number 9 and 10 and two things that I wonโ€™t miss this year

9. Late Night Pickups

My sister always gets the latest most inconvenient flights back home. As I live in Halifax I am always nominated to do the 3:30 AM pickup although often her flight is delayed till 4:00 AM or later.

Late night pickups donโ€™t end at the airport.

When my sister goes out at home she refuses to get a taxi home (even though it is only 5 bucks) so often mom or I are called to pick up a drunk Ayngelina.

tweezing eyebrows

10. Beauty

Just as much as we take advantage of my sister cooking and photography skills she takes full advantage of my esthetics skills.

My sister will come home hairy and grey knowing I will wax her brows, color her hair and do her makeup every night she goes out.

This list could easily be a top 100 list as Ayngelina contributes so much of our Christmas spirit.

Christmas will be fun this year but it wonโ€™t be the same.

Join the Conversation

  1. Dave from The Longest Way Home Travel Blog says:

    What a great post for Christmas time. It must be so nice to have a strong bond with your sister like this.

    Great group family photo too!

    Just wanted to stop by and wish Ayngelina (& sis)all the best over the holidays ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Lisa E @chickybus says:

    I love this…it’s sweet, funny and heart-warming.

  3. Aw! So sweet. Sounds like you and your sister have a very special relationship. All I have is stinky boys…but I love them, love them, love them just the same. Merry Christmas!

  4. Happy Christmas to you and your sister, Ayngelina!

  5. Eatlaughloveanon says:

    Madam A has grey hair???? Get outta here! I don’t believe it for a minute.

  6. Lovely post. Writing talent seems to run in the family.

  7. adventureswithben says:

    Your MessageI love the idea of having your family add a post to your blog. Great idea!

  8. How sweet! This will be my first Christmas away but it’s nice to know that travelers are missed!!

    BTW my boyfriend just youtubed that song and posted it all over FB! haha.

    Merry Christmas!

  9. Happy Christmas to you and your family Ayngelina! You will obviously be missed very much! Cheers!

  10. LeslieTravel says:

    Love it! I also have a sister close in age and can relate. What a great post and a fun Christmas tribute to sisterhood ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Nice post! A great read as I drive back to Montreal with my brother for Christmas. Merry Christmas and have a great New Year!!

  12. ann wellwood says:

    Love,Love, Love the message from your sister!I,m sure they will miss you very much!!She also has the story telling talent of her sister!!Merry Christmas to your whole family!!!

  13. Merry Christmas!

    Must be nice reading this post from your sister while your away at christmas.

  14. Camels & Chocolate says:

    Awww, I love this! My sister and I are five-and-a-half years apart, so I totally get the volatile relationship (even though for the most part we get along famously)!

  15. What a great post. Merry Christmas Ayngelina!

  16. Just to let you know, Ryan told me today that she didn’t realize how much work it took to pull off Christmas..she is making the brunch casserole as we speak…loved the blog…nice that she got the chance to say this about you…you were missed and talked about at the Games night last night! But no real smack talk and I only had to get one picture taken!

  17. Aw this is so sweet! Merry Christmas to you and your sister!

  18. Aw, what a sweet post! Sounds like Christmas in your family is a lot of fun. It must be hard to be away from them.

  19. Merry Christmas, Ayngelina, Ryann and Carmie!

  20. Migrationology says:

    Very cool article! From your sister said, I can sense a lot of great memories and great family times in previous years.
    Even though it will be different this year, hope you have an awesome Christmas!

  21. The NVR Guys says:

    Too sweet. What a gift it is too be loved and missed!

    Feliz Navidad a usted tambiรฉn

  22. Loved the post, Ryan. We really missed you last night Ayngelina for our Games Night. Donnie was the eventual winner in “Pass the Ace.” Your mom made a great snack; however, we all missed your banty chatter! Lots of love, The VanBs

  23. Andrea and John says:

    Great post! Sibling bonds are great…we’re really missing John’s sister this Christmas. Feliz navidad!!

  24. Chris - The Aussie Nomad says:

    Awww I wanna spend christmas with you two

  25. Awesome post! I can totally relate to y’all’s relationship, ups and downs ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. That was a great list! It reminds me of my bond with my sisters as well (i have 2). Happy holidays Ayngelina and sis!

  27. Spending Xmas far from home too, for the second time actually. This year has been China, where Xmas songs in oriental style has made it all the way odd and sweet.
    Hope you spend a very merry Xmas with your friends in Ecuador ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. She loves you, that’s cute. As much as she will miss you I’m sure it makes her happy depp down inside knowing her sister is doing what she loves. merry christmas girl!

  29. Great post! Do you think Ryan would mind if I still called her for a drive in the middle of the night sometime over the break?

  30. AWww, I want a sister too! Though the relationship you two have sounds similar to the one I have with my brother — you know, minus the eyebrow waxing part.

  31. Merry Christmas Ayngelina! I missed your elite level of board game competition and exotic cooking this year.

  32. Aww, I’ve always, always, always, wanted a sister for all the reasons that are found between the lines here… and I hope with all my heart that my two daughters will grow up to be as close, cool and interesting as you two ๐Ÿ˜‰

  33. This was an amazing post. My brothers would NEVER write anything like this haha. I’ve loved getting to know your family via your site. Merry Christmas, girl!

  34. Michael Hodson says:

    ahhhhh, best holiday post I have read yet! Really lovely.

  35. How sweet!!! My sister and I have been writing about missing each other…so cool of your sister to share this ๐Ÿ™‚

    3 cheers for high school drama marathons ๐Ÿ˜‰ We do the same!

  36. Aww such a sweet post for a great time like this share by your sister. I ahve two younger sister so I understand the up and down and the special bonding with them. We have great memory together just like you and your sister had above. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  37. Nomadic Matt says:

    I’m not sure u want #10 all over the interwebz. Lol

  38. Lorna - the roamantics says:

    wow this is SUCH an incredibly sweet post! i really love all of them- even the 2 wont misses, but my absolute favorite is #1. it’s so eloquently put and i completely understand the sentiment. ๐Ÿ™‚ merry christmas!

  39. “when Ayngelina has arrived, Christmas has arrived.” Aww. This is really a very heartwarming post.

  40. Aww! You guys are too cute. My sister and I are 3 years apart and we loathed each other for a very long time. Now I can’t imagine spending a holiday without her!

    This post gives me some very serious warm fuzzies!

  41. @TMorse since you always have to fix momโ€™s computer after Ayngelina tries to โ€˜fixโ€™ it, I think we may owe you a few late night pick ups.

    @Ayngelina get over the Mondetta shirtโ€ฆit was 19 years ago!!!

  42. What a great post. It really seems lie yall have awesome Christmas’s!!! I loved the dirty song… I had never heard it. Oh & I LOVE that y’all watched THE OC. That is my fav show of all time~

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!

  43. turkey's for life says:

    Aww, not surprised this post got so many comments. A slice of your ‘other’ – family life. Sad and lovely at the same time.
    Hope you all had a lovely day whatever you did and here’s looking forward to New Year. ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. Lindsay aka @_thetraveller_ says:

    I am def going to play that song while my sisters and I do the tree next year. We also enjoy getting our mom all worked up over things such as that.

  45. Sweet post – quite right that travellers be reminded of what they’re missing from time to time!

  46. Cute post. I especially like the multi-generational photo shoot.

  47. Wonderful post! I didn’t realize we are both from Halifax.

  48. Oh this is so cute. Makes me want to cry. I have a love/hate relationship w/ my littlest sis but I don’t think she would miss me this much ever! This is so great. ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. Caz Makepeace says:

    What a sweet post! i bet you missed home this Christmas after that one

  50. Texas City Hotels says:

    Wow, this post reminded me of my relantionship with my sis, 3 years older than me, and I must say, it’s exactly the same! With one exception though: she still won’t let me decorate the Christmas tree:)) Well, that’s one thing I can live with, but the distance…I guess life has a funny way of showing you some things:)

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